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    About Me

    Sweet,funny,cute,smart,cool, sassy, Love to laugh, love joke's and love to have fun and to hang out with familly and friend's. Love movies and shopping, and traveling on the Amtrak Train's, talking on the phone, being on the internet, and riding my uncle's bus. My favorite TV Show's are Full House, 7th.Heaven,COPS, The Cosby Show, Big Brother,The 6pm news news on komo tv 4
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    Tuesday, October 25, 2005

    The Lastest's 10/25/2005

    Hello everyone!!
    I, saw a movie last night that really scared me. It was called Human Trafficing, and it is on Lifetime Tv. now for those of you that have cable it's channel 51. For thoose of you that don't you can go to and check it out there. I, don't recamond this movie to anyone. Also sinse I, found out that it really happen's.

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